7 Common Heat Pump Problems & Answers

Posted on December 24th, 2021 by carrolladmin

As colder weather nears and households begin preparing for winter, it’s time to take a look at your heater and ensure that you are ready for the season. 

Heat pump malfunctions can be annoying, costly, and even dangerous. When problems arise, it can be difficult to know what the issue is and how to fix it. Luckily, there are solutions to any heat pump problem.

Let’s take a look at 7 of the most common heat pump problems, how you can troubleshoot the issues, and when to call in the Carroll Plumbing & Heating professionals.

1. Clogged Air Filter

Something as simple as a clogged air filter can cause all sorts of issues with your system. Dust and debris can build up in the filter, which causes the system to use more energy to do the same amount of work. 

A clogged air filter can lead to a slew of other heat pump problems so it’s wise to replace the filter regularly. It may not seem like a big deal, but this simple step can help you avoid bigger issues in the future.

2. Blowing Cold Air

No one wants to turn their heater on the first time for the season only to find out that it’s only blowing cold air!

If your heat pump is blowing cold air, it could be a relatively simple fix, such as a faulty valve, a refrigerant problem, or a compressor issue. But it could also indicate that your heater requires full service. You may need to consider a service call from a professional to troubleshoot this heat pump problem.

3. Blocked Unit

Snow, leaves, dirt, and other debris can cause all sorts of issues to your heat pump and unit. Be sure that you are checking your unit periodically (ideally seasonally) for any issues and clearing the space around it. Also, check for water dripping onto the unit from your roof or tree branches that are growing too close to your unit.

You could even make sure to check the area around your heat pump and unit each time you change the filter. That way, you’re on track to stay ahead of two potential causes of a heat pump problem.

4. Heat Pump Won’t Turn On

Occasionally, you may encounter a situation where your heat pump simply won’t turn on at all. This usually means that your heat pump is not receiving any power. Check to make sure everything is set and working correctly.

If your thermostat is set to the proper setting to allow your heater to run, and the circuit breaker on your electrical panel has not been tripped, you may be experiencing a more serious issue. There could be a problem with your wiring, or you may need a new heat pump. Call an experienced professional to help you with this issue.

5. Heat Pump Constantly Running

Sometimes, it may seem as if your heat pump is running more than it should, but it could simply be due to the demand of the weather conditions in your area. But if you feel that the issue is getting worse or that your system is not working as well as it should be, you may want to take a closer look. 

This issue could be caused by anything from the wrong thermostat setting to a dirty air filter to a broken compressor contractor. Start by checking your thermostat setting and replacing your air filter for maximum efficiency. 

If those steps don’t work, consider having a professional come out and look at your compressor. You may need to replace this part. Regular maintenance of your system should also help prevent this issue from occurring.

6. Frozen Heat Pump

Depending on your climate, this can be a relatively common occurrence during the winter months. A light coating of frost and ice is somewhat normal, and your unit should be able to effectively remove that frost by automatically running in defrost mode. 

However, if your unit becomes coated in a heavy sheet of ice, or the coils become encased in ice, you will have a larger problem. Too much ice will prevent the transfer of heat and the normal operation of your heat pump. 

This heat pump problem may be caused by a faulty sensor, valve, or another part. Or you could have a problem with your fan motor or refrigerant levels. When in doubt, call a professional to find the root cause of the issue.

7. Worn Out System

In some cases, your system may be simply too old and worn down to keep up with the demand of your household. If you are constantly experiencing issues and engaging in frequent troubleshooting, it may just be time to consider replacing your unit altogether. A new system should also result in energy savings and increased value to your home.

Heat Pump Problem? We Can Help!

Carroll Plumbing & Heating is here to assist you with any heat pump problem. Our licensed technicians have decades of experience servicing, repairing, and installing heat pumps in the Richmond area and surrounding counties. Learn more about how we can help today!